After adding heat mats to the seed trays, we have finally seen 10-15 seeds germinate in only the Napoli tomato variety. The San Marzano variety has yet to germinate. It has been 8 days since we first sowed. They are a tiny bit leggy, but this can be easily fixed by replanting the stems deeper into the soil if the situation gets worse. Tomatoes and other nightshade families can grow roots from their stems, but we will prevent this from happening any further. Today's weather is cloudy, with temperatures ranging from 67-71ºF.
No other seeds have started to germinate yet. However, we did notice something, possibly a ground squirrel, mouse, vole, or some predator getting into our nasturtium tray and nibbling off the tops of the basil seedlings. It's very minor damage to cause alarm. That's why we planted more just in case for such occurrences.
Nasturtium seeds are very tasty, and little predators love them. A fun note: you can pickle the seeds and enjoy them like capers.