PROject Overview

Below is Kimberly’s senior capstone proposal, which is being conducted as a part of the Notion in Science Communication program at Stanford University. Kimberly is studying Bioengineering and Ecology, and is grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with chef and farmer Lan Thai. Together, they hope to elucidate the connections between the way we grow our food and human health.


Experimental examination of tomato polyculture at the local level: 
Implications for environmental and human health
by Kimberly Cheung

A. Objective and Specific Aims

Monoculture agriculture has been shown to have considerable negative ecological and social impacts. Therefore, approaches to polyculture agriculture are becoming increasingly relevant. The intent of this research project is to measure the impacts of polyculture on environmental and human health, and examine the timeline and mechanisms of the ecological transition to polyculture in a particular study case in California. This project will be co-managed by Chef and Farmer Lan Thai, who practices traditional regenerative farming techniques in her everyday work at Fammá, a food as medicine company bridging culinary, healthcare, and agricultural industries. The implementation of polyculture agriculture at the small-scale farming level has the potential of creating more sustainable agroecosystems at the local level and, if practiced more broadly, ensuring global food security. Furthermore, documentation of the benefits of polyculture in multiple settings, should they be consistent, may lead to major advances in the field and encourage more collaboration between scientists and farmers, as well as emphasize the vital interconnections between environmental and human health through agriculture. This is the reasoning that inspires the present research.

B. Introduction

Among the multiple approaches to address sustainable food production, I choose to focus on polyculture, as this agricultural concept can be applied on a variety of sizes of farms and in many different socio-environmental contexts. There are many subtypes under the heading of polyculture, such as intercropping, mixed cropping, or permaculture guilds, but the essence of the practice is that there are two or more crop species grown at the same time (Andrews and Kassam, 1976). The idea of polyculture has been a crucial part of many cultures since agriculture began. Examples include the “milpa” practice of the Three Sisters combination (maize, bean, squash) in the Indigenous peoples of Mexico and Mesomerica (Fonteyne et al. 2023). Another example is Vuon Ao Chuong, a food production system in which a tiered intercropped garden is combined with fish and other animals (Permaculture Research Institute, 2008). I specifically use polyculture in its broadest terms because this can include, in addition to crop plants, planting species which are not intended for consumption. When intercropping species, they are chosen to represent a variety of ecological niches within an agricultural plot in order to optimize for space and nutrients; at the core, this practice emphasizes cultivating species relationships within limited resource conditions, a key component of generating diverse and well-functioning agroecosystems (Andrews and Kassam, 1976). 

From the environmental perspective, researchers have been interested in polyculture for its diverse benefits like sustainability impacts (Mousavi et al. 2011), fostering of plant diversity (Brooker et al. 2014), increased crop yield (Iverson et al. 2014 & Mousavi et al. 2011), crop disease prevention (Iverson et al. 2014 & Mousavi et al. 2011), and soil fertility (Kebede 2017). Beyond these eco-benefits, there is now increased interest in how these environmental variables are interconnected with human health. 

This study will focus on tomatoes as the main crop because of their widespread global importance and their health benefits related to reducing the risk of certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age-related macular degeneration (Dorais et al. 2008). Some researchers have highlighted the significant connections between tomato polyculture and nutrient quality (Hart et al. 2014, Bona et al. 2016). However, research tends to look at environmental and human health categories in siloes, and research into the ecological mechanisms which connect these variables is scant. In addition, there is a lack of farmer engagement and collaboration in the process of measuring the impacts of polyculture agricultural techniques. An increasingly accepted tenet of sustainability work is meaningful involvement of stakeholders from the academic community and on-the-ground practitioners (Yarime et al., 2012). Therefore, the goal of this research is to quantitatively examine the effects of tomato polyculture practices (tomato and a selected set of additional species; see below) on both ecological and human health variables in a small-scale agricultural setting. This research opportunity will be co-managed by an active, sustainability-motivated Chef and Farmer, Lan Thai, who opened the opportunity for me to participate in the execution and subsequent analysis of tomato-based polyculture on her Neu Mune farm.   

C. Detailed Research Plan

Study Site: 

Neu Mune Farm is a 19 acre farm located in Bonsall, California (33.29° N, 117.16° W, Fig. 1). This region is characterized by Mediterranean climate, which includes mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers. The farm is located in the 10A Agricultural Zone. Agriculture in these areas is significantly threatened by drought and rising temperature, therefore this research aligns with the increasing need of building resilience in agroecosystems (del Pozo et al. 2019). As agricultural techniques continue to evolve in this region, the idea of polyculture has significant implications for both environmental and human health. Neu Mune Farm used to be an avocado monoculture, but as of 2023 is now a regenerative farm owned by Chef Lan Thai, under her Fammá program. 

Selection of polyculture intercropping species:  

There will be two experimental treatments, consisting of the duoculture intercropping (D), polyculture intercropping (P). The polyculture plot contains a combination of beneficial plants (which support the growth of the tomatoes through nutrient accumulation or pest divertion) and companion plants (which increase the total edible yield in the area). Duoculture will have tomato and basil (Ocimum basilicum). Polyculture will have basil , beets (Beta vulgaris), carrots (Daucus carota), chives (Allium schoenoprasum), sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima), and borage (Borago officinalis). This polyculture is chosen to represent a diversity in the possible combinations with tomato, both ecologically and considering agricultural intentions. 


I will establish a control treatment with tomato plants grown in monoculture, along with two experimental treatments: duoculture intercropping (D) and polyculture intercropping (P). Each treatment will have 3 replicated 10 x 6 foot (3.048 x 1.829 meters) double row plots of tomatoes in different sections of the farm. I will measure the microclimatic conditions each treatment, including temperature, humidity, elevation, and sunlight exposure. For each plot, I will collect weekly functional trait data on the tomato plants, including both growth and herbivory metrics. The study period will last three months, from June to August. All crops will be planted from seed and transplanted appropriately. Additionally, weekly pruning and harvesting as appropriate will take place.

D. Roles in Project

My main role in the project will be coordination knowledge between local farmers and chefs, academic advisors, and my personal expertise to develop and implement the research design. I will be involved in all aspects of the project, from ideation, to data collection, to analysis, to communication of the results. I will be working on the project full time over the summer with Chef Lan Thai. In addition, I will be responsible for allocating any grant funding between research tasks. I am responsible for ensuring reciprocity and co-management of this project alongside my partners in this community-based research with Neu Mune Farm.

My field collaborator is Chef Lan Thai, owner of Neu Mune Farm. She will be involved in the entirety of the research, from ideation, data collection, analysis, to communication, and bring in her expertise as a Chef and a Farmer. Some specific areas with her guidance include advising the crop selection of the polyculture treatments, coordination with other farmers in the area, and advising on the nutritional quality assessments of the crops.

E. References

Andrews, D. J., and A. H. Kassam. 1976. “The Importance of Multiple Cropping in Increasing World Food Supplies.” In Multiple Cropping, 1–10. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Brooker, Rob W., Alison E. Bennett, Wen-Feng Cong, Tim J. Daniell, Timothy S. George, Paul D. Hallett, Cathy Hawes, et al. 2015. “Improving Intercropping: A Synthesis of Research in Agronomy, Plant Physiology and Ecology.” New Phytologist 206 (1): 107–17.

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Hage-Ahmed, Karin, Johannes Krammer, and Siegrid Steinkellner. 2013. “The Intercropping Partner Affects Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Fusarium Oxysporum f. Sp. Lycopersici Interactions in Tomato.” Mycorrhiza 23 (7): 543–50.

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